Poultry Conveyance Request Form

GDA will review the request within 3 business days. Please submit requests in a timely manner. We thank you for your cooperation.
  • Section 1:General Information  Include the date(s) and time(s) the movement(s) will begin and end, name of requestor, date of request, Street Address and whether the shipment will be interstate or intrastate.

  • Section 2:Point of Origin Include location name, address, premise I.D., company name, type of facility, and whether or not it is within the surveillance zone.

  • Section 3:Point of Destination Include location name, address, premise I.D., company name, type of facility, and whether or not it is within the surveillance zone

  • Section 4:Point of Contact (Primary) Include contact name, title, company name, phone number, and email address.

  • Section 5:Point of Contact (Secondary) Include contact name, title, company name, phone number, and email address.

  • Section 6:Product Being Moved Include the type of product and quantity.

  • Section 7:Additional Information : Include the appropriate Information.
By submitting this request, you agree to meet Georgia’s movement requirements prior to any movement taking place. Failure to meet Georgia’s movement requirements can result in denial of future movement requests as well as civil and/or criminal penalties. Test results should be emailed to gapoultrypermits@agr.georgia.gov.
*Indicates required field
Section 1: General Information
Section 2: Point of Origin
Section 3: Point of Destination
Section 4: Point of Contact (Primary)
Section 5: Point of Contact (Secondary)
Section 6 :Product Being Moved
Section 7: Additional Information
Failure to submit test results in a timely manner will slow the approval time.
Acknowledgement (Initial applicable boxes)
© 2024 - Georgia Department of Agriculture